Dream into Reality

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A goal is a dream with a deadline.  Figure out what your dream is…….this is the only life you have to live so what the hell.  Don’t think small or cut yourself short like we always tend to do. Link up inside yourself with what is important to YOU and only you.  This is 100% your life.  You have the right.  That’s not selfish.  It is self  growth.  Doesn’t it make sense to take your life and try to make it the very best, productive , fulfilled, and powerful you possibly can?  So figure out your ultimate dream, not whether you think you can attain it or not.  Just have some guts, figure it out, and write it down.  Doing just that is very hard to do……really hard.  I haven’t done it yet.  I always keep putting it off but I will do it today.  After you write it down, attach a deadline to it.  I know this may feel fake and  like make-believe but just try it anyway.  We don’t know everything we think we do.  Then work backwards.  If your deadline is 3 years to attain it then write down where you would expect to be in 2.5 years in your dream becoming real.  Then do the same thing with 2 years, 1.5, 1, 6 months, 3 months, 2, and 1 for example.  Then you know where to start and what to do if you want to reach that 1 month deadline and so forth.  Go for it.  Try it.  There’s nothing to lose only a great life by not doing it.  If a bunch of questions come up about how and reasons why it won’t work, then know that that is your friend who follows you around all the time……fear.  Analyzing why this won’t work or improve your life is just that.  We have no idea unless we try, no matter what our thoughts tell us ahead of time.  Don’t kid yourself, its fear.  I know this to be the case with myself.  Action trumps fear and thinking, but it does require movement as opposed to comfortable, relaxed, safe, cynical analysis.  That whole “play it safe easy way route” will continue to give us the mediocre, unfulfilled life it always gives.   If you aren’t up for doing it, at least don’t give those who are a hard time about it.  If you are up for doing it, nice job and let’s go.  Everything we want is always on the other side of fear.  Action gets us there.